Greetings! If you are a person who is wondering what is Print(“Hello World”), then you are reading the correct blog. With advancing technology, it is always the correct choice to invest your time in Information technology, but before getting your hands dirty with code and presentations, you must know what the components of IT are. Not everyone is aware of IT in detail. In this article, you will be able to learn about the courses related to IT, and get a better understanding of them.
Below are the main courses related to Information Technology,
1.Software Engineering
2.Computer Science
3.Network Engineering
4.Business Information Systems / Management Information Systems
5.Information and Communication Technology
6.Cyber Security
Software Engineering
If you are a person who is interested in programming and software development, then this is the course that you have to enroll in. The websites you see and the mobile applications you use are created by software engineers. There is a vast scope in the field of software engineering where you can land yourself somewhere which interests you.
Below are the streams related to Software Engineering,
1.UI/UX Development
2.Front end Engineering
3.Back end Engineering
4.Full Stack Development
Let’s dig deeper into the above topics. UI/UX development is all about designing interfaces which gives a good user experience. Almost all of the screens you see on your website or mobile applications are designed by a UI/UX designer who follows numerous theories to make the screen attractive and user friendly.
Front end engineering is the study of developing the screens designed by a UI/UX developer. The role of a front end engineer can be considered as a hybrid role as they should also look into user experience while they are implementing the designs. People who have an eye for design will find these two streams interesting. However, the role of a front end engineer requires coding knowledge.
If you are not a design person, but still have a passion for coding, then back end engineering would match your interest. Features of an application cannot be limited by its screens, there are many code running in the back end to fulfill the requirements of a user who deals with the website. Handling databases is one such simple example of backend functions.
If you are an all-rounder who likes to design and code, then full-stack development is the correct choice for you. Full-stack developers handle both the frontend and backend of an application. They will be able to produce an application on their own since they have good knowledge of both client-side as well as the server-side.
Business Information Systems (BIS) / Management Information Systems (MIS)
If you are a person who is not much into coding, but still have a passion in learning technology and creating new business opportunities, then Business Information Systems is a path which you should consider. There are several kinds of career paths for a student who follows this major.
Below are the main paths under this major,
1.Business Analysis
2.Project Management
3.Quality Assurance (QA)
Business analysis is one of the well known career paths for the students who follow Business Information Systems. This study is all about assisting a project by acting as an intermediate between the developers and the clients. People who are interested in communicating with various kinds of people can choose this path. Business Analysis consists of sections like requirement gathering, understanding the problem, involvement in solution making, and presenting the idea. Job role of a business analyst is very crucial in IT companies.
Project management on the other hand is all about handling a project. In an IT environment, projects are done in teams, and each team will have people of various blends like developers, analysts, and QA engineers. A project manager’s role is to guide the team to finish the project and meet the deadline. A project manager should have good people skills in order to deal with the issues of each and everyone in the team.The project manager will also be responsible for the project and will be accountable to his superiors regarding the project.
If you are a perfectionist and have a good eye to spot out the places for improvements, then quality assurance would be a wise choice for you. After finishing a project, the output is always subjected to various types of testing in order to test the condition of the application. Starting from user friendliness to logical aspects, the applications are subjected to heavy testing before the launch of the application, but this role would require a bit of coding knowledge because quality assurance is also performed to check the technical stability of the application.
Computer Science
Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundation of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.
Computer science has many sub-fields; such as computer graphics, emphasize the computation of specific results, while others, such as computational complexity theory, study the properties of computational problems. Still, others focus on the challenges in implementing computations.
There are various undergraduate degrees available with computer science like B.Sc., B.Tech. program in Computer Science is designed to provide students an overview of computing, an understanding of the concepts, principles and skills in their application and extension, and practical experience in applied computing.
Below are some career options which are suitable for a CS graduate,
• Research in computer science
• Applying computational techniques to solving problems in other basic and applied science (physics, chemistry, bio sciences, electrical engineering, etc.)
• Developing scientific and mathematical software
• System software development such as device drivers and operating systems
• Commercial software development
• Embedded systems
• Mobile application development
• Industrial process control
• Bioinformatics
• IT and mathematics applications in finance
• IT-assisted education
Network Engineering
Network is connecting two or more computers that allow them to share resources. Mostly, Network Engineering is the study and application of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) layers. it is an ever-growing domain in which there is a constant need of support. Networks are becoming progressively more and more convoluted as the technology is advancing and flourishing. So, the demand for a network specialist does not seem to go out of way anytime soon. CS degree or a degree in Telecommunications is a requirement to be a Network Engineer. Responsibilities of a Network Engineer are as follows; design and deploy functional networks such as LAN (Local area network), WAN (Wide area network), and WLAN (Wireless local area network), configure and install servers, software, routers, and several other networking devices, monitor network performance on a regular basis, resolve support issues that have escalated via the local infrastructure or troubleshoot the cloud, create, test and oversee security measures by implementing network enhancements.
It was not until some other time in my studying period that the term Information and Communication Technology (ICT) emerged before me and made me fully aware of what this implied in schooling. The term ICT disentangled methods of innovation that has to do with information and communication.
Information can come in numerous structures, for example, sound, video, text, and pictures, so when you consider what innovation it is accessible that delivers these parts of data and at times a mix of all these, we refer to such innovation as cell phones, advanced cameras, camcorders for instance.
Today, information and communication advancements are a certain something; thus the collection of innovations grows further to encompass computers and computer-related items, email, MMS, and different types of communication.
It’s good to realize the diverse profession streams accessible in information technology (IT) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Each occupation has an unmistakable arrangement of required abilities and individual attributes.
Practically, all IT occupations rely upon solid specialized information. Yet, each has an alternate accentuation, regardless of whether the occupation focuses on coding, overseeing equipment, applying programming, information science, or overseeing frameworks or individuals.
This rundown of 21 professions and significant employment types was built by investigating which occupations require an IT foundation. Having an IT or comparable degree would be a resource for each vocation.
Likewise, below I have mentioned a few examples of ICT-based jobs,
- Software and Applications Programmers
- ICT Managers
- ICT Support Technicians
- Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers
- Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators
Cyber Security
Cyber Security is a part of Information and Communication Technology including the protection of internet-connected computer systems, and the prevention against unauthorized access or changes to data centers. It communicates with the security of software, hardware, networks, and it’s own information. Since the modern world relies on computers that store and transmit an abundance of confidential information about people, cybersecurity is a critical section and wanted a guarantee of many industries. It also secures computers from damage.
There are so many types of cybersecurity threats, such as Malware, Ransomware, Social engineering, Phishing, etc. The process of updating the protection against new technologies and security developments is a challenging process. However, it’s important to secure information and other systems from cyber threats, which have many types.
Advantages of utilizing cybersecurity are industrial protection against malware, ransomware, phishing, and social engineering, protection for data and networks of internet-connected computer systems, prevention against unauthorized users and their access, utilize recovery time after a breach, protection for end-level-users, and increase the stability of products for both developers and customers.
Some of the jobs related to the Cyber Security pathway are mentioned down below,
- Chief Information Security Officer
- Security Manager
- Security Engineer
- Information Security Consultant
- Penetration Tester
- Information Security Specialist
- Security Analyst
- Security Administrator
In conclusion, this article may not cover all the career paths in the IT industry. But it covered all the essential parts which you might be interested in. Hope all of you have got an idea about what career path that you want to be enrolled in. We will come up with some more articles in the coming months to make you guys aware about the way you have to face the industry through social media and how to face the interviews etc. Please do take some time and let us know your doubts, questions and your thoughts on this article. We will make sure to answer each of your questions regarding this article. We are a group of young individuals who like to change the ordinary. Your suggestions are highly valuable for us to improve our content.
Written by: Thivvyan Karuneswaran Thivvyan Karuneswaran , Sanjeepan Sivapiran Sanjeepan , Charangan Vasantharajan Charangan Vasantharajan